EL SALVADOR | Pacas Family | Pacamara | Natural
The Pacas family has been growing coffee in the mountains of El Salvador for more than five generations. We’re proud to call them one of our longest-standing producer relationships, having purchased their coffees since 2012. Together, we’ve seen many ups and downs—leaf rust, down years, the discovery of new varieties, growth and the ability to purchase more coffees, wildly fluctuating prices, global pandemics—we’ve seen a lot. But, through it all, the Pacas family has been our first stop on any trip to El Salvador, and together, we’ve been able to navigate most challenges that present themselves.
This naturally processed Pacamara is composed of coffees from all the Pacas family’s farms. Blending coffees from multiple farms allows the Pacas family to optimize efficiency during processing and provide a consistent cup profile. Pacamara, a hybrid of Pacas and Maragogipe developed through the efforts of the Salvadoran Institute of Coffee Research, boasts sizeable beans and a distinctive flavor profile that sets it apart from less exotic varieties.