ETHIOPIA | Deri Kidame | Heirloom | Natural
Sourcing coffees in Ethiopia can often look very different when compared to other countries – say in Central America, where we would ordinarily purchase directly from the producers. In Ethiopia, coffee is largely grown in small home gardens, tended to by the family. From there, producers will sell their unprocessed coffee cherries to local washing stations.
This lot is compiled of coffees from over 350 producers, who all delivered their coffee to the Deri Kidame Washing Station in Wamena.
Kenzu Ahmed, the station manager, runs a quality focused operation. Having worked at Deri Kidame for over three years, Kenzu has established relationships with the local producers, and sources the best cherries from the best farmers.
Hambela Guji, when compared to neighboring regions such as Yirgacheffe, is relatively new to coffee production. A mixture of fertile, previously unfarmed land, and high altitude, makes it the perfect place for growing high quality coffee. This coffee was processed as a traditional natural and dried on raised beds. It is sweet and syrupy, with notes of red fruit and chocolate.