Colombia – Fincamigos – Typica Mejorado (Unique Varietal)
“Upon grounding, you can feel the aroma of lemon peel, peach, orange blossom and strawberry. At first sip, lemon peel, floral, bergamot, accompanied by thick honey aroma and peach with a smooth, clean and sweet aftertaste.”
Fincamigos stands as an innovative plantation nestled amidst the scenic Antiqoian Andes, close to the quaint town of Jardin, boasting an elevation of 1830 meters above sea level. This unique agricultural site is dedicated to the cultivation and study of rare arabica varieties including Sudan Rume, Laurina Tabi, Geisha, and Typica Mejorado.
The plantation currently allocates its land to cultivate various strains: 2 hectares of Geisha, 1 hectare each of Laurina, Sudan Rume, Typica Mejorado, and Chirosso. Functioning as an experimental hub, Fincamigos delves into every facet of agronomy, from Breeding and Growing to Harvesting, Processing, and Cup Profiling, in order to comprehend the nuanced traits of each variety.
Overseen by Maria Alejandra, a fourth-generation coffee grower and a qualified Q processor, the farm places a premium on meticulous processing and stringent quality control. In addition to her expertise in coffee, Maria is an avid beekeeper, leveraging this practice to enhance pollination within the coffee orchards.
To meticulously understand the nuances of each variety, Fincamigos employs a rigorous washed processing method, meticulously tracking variables such as pH levels, temperature, and fermentation duration to discern the distinct reactions and alterations exhibited by each strain.
Among these varieties is the Typica Mejorado, a cultivar widely propagated in Ecuador, often likened to the Sidra variety. Believed to have originated from Nestle’s breeding facility in Pichincha, Ecuador, during the development of the F1 variety, Typica Mejorado stands out for its rich sensory profiles. Selected from this breeding program were two seeds, one yielding the renowned Sidra variety, and the other, Typica Mejorado.
Despite its name suggesting a connection to the Typica variety, Typica Mejorado diverges, offering a sensorial experience reminiscent of Typica but with a heightened complexity and expressive flavor profile.
During the harvesting of Typica Mejorado, only ripe red cherries are meticulously handpicked and sorted before undergoing a meticulous washed process. This process involves a 48-hour fermentation period as whole cherries, followed by hulling. Subsequently, the coffee, still encased in mucilage, is subjected to a two-day drying period inside a fermentation tank before being transferred to African raised beds for further drying until reaching an optimal moisture content of 11%.
Variety : Typica Mejorado
Altitude : 1900 masl
Process : Multistage Washed
Origin : Jardin, Antiquoia