Ethiopia – Koke “Abraham” Shalaye – Natural
“The dry aroma carries hints of strawberry, bergamot, and floral scents. Upon sipping, the dominant flavors are of strawberry and bergamot, followed by undertones of dried mango, sweet peach, and delicate floral notes. The texture brings about a smoothness reminiscent of velvet.”
Situated close to Mele Village in the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia, you’ll discover the Koke ‘Abraham’ Washing Station, named after its manager, Abraham Mengistie. Over the years, this area has gained a distinguished reputation for producing exceptional coffees, yielding some of the world’s most sought-after microlots. Yirgacheffe coffees owe their esteemed status to a combination of factors like high altitudes (reaching up to 2,200 meters in some spots), fertile soil, consistent and ample rainfall, and a wealth of local expertise.
The farmers in this small region usually grow sub-varieties of traditional Ethiopian heirloom plants, such as Jarc 74110, 7412, and 74165, on small plots near their homes.
Coffee cherries are meticulously handpicked and delivered to the washing station. They undergo a sorting process to eliminate underripe or overripe cherries before being submerged in a large cement tank to ferment. This fermentation stage lasts around 72 hours, allowing the outer fruit layer to gently break down. Subsequently, the cherries are evenly spread out on raised beds to sun-dry until they reach the optimal moisture level. This drying process can take up to 25 days.
Once the drying is complete, the cherries are transported to the dry mill, where foreign matter, metal, and stones are removed. After removing the dried outer layers, parchment, and silver skin, the coffee is graded based on screen size and then subjected to a gravity separator to eliminate lightweight and defective beans.
Variety : 74412
Altitude 2000-2200 masl
Process : Natural
Origin : Mele, Yirgacheffe