Guatemala – Santa Felisa Geisha 2722 Natural
“Upon grounding, you can feel the aroma of strawberry, peach, and lemon custard. At first sip, the main flavour is strawberry and white peach accompanied with bergamot and Frangipani aroma. The coffee is sweet and delicate”
Situated at the edge of the active stratovolcano, Volcan de Fuego, El Paraxaj house not only the usual variety, there are a plenty of unique, rare and exotic coffee farmed in El Paraxaj. What we have here is the unique Geisha 2722 that is planted at a microclimate of 1500 to 1550 masl.Β
The Farm is run by the Meneses siblings. Anabella is an Agronomist, Ecologies and also a Q Grader has taken the task to bring farming to the next level by creating a concept of Preciesely Agriculture at the farm by monitoring the daily activities at the farm under the “Laws of Nature”. Every process at down until the lot level is controlled. His brother Antonio, focus on the commercialisation of its produced to the international markets.
The farm is a proud organic coffee producer. They avoid synthetic agrochemicals,reforest for protection of water sheds & avoid chemical based to control pest. Composting is done through the breeding of red worm and it served as fertilizer into the plantation. This farm is lead by a very passionate agronomist that strive in sustaining both quality and conservation of its ecosystem.
Geisha 2722 is an Ethiopian landrace coffee which was brought to CATIE and it was logged as accession T2722. It was widely distributed in Panama in the 60s after it was recognized for tolerance for coffee leaf rust. From Panama, it made its way to Guatemala to Santa Felisa farms. This coffee is planted at an altitude of 1500 to 1550 masl. There are wide variety collection, previously we had to chance to roast the Ethiopian Geisha that was planted in El Paraxaj, this lot are has more Panamian genes in it.
In El Paraxaj, coffee is picked based on the brix level. Cherries are picked when its ripe and has a brix value of 22 to ensure high level of sugar to transform it into acid. The picked cherries is then sorted before it is dried on the African raised beds for 3 to 4 weeks. During this process, the cherry is turned every 2 hours to ensure it is being dried evenly. Upon reaching its optimum moisture level, the dried cherry is packed in a bag and rested in a ventilated room before it is hulled after 3 weeks of resting.
Variety : Geisha 2722
Altitude : 1500 to 1550 masl
Process : Natural
Origin: El Paraxaj, Chimaltenango