HONDURAS | Nahun Fernandez | Parainema | HONEY
Farm: Finca Don Andres
Farmer: Nahun Fernandas
Region: Las Flores, Santa Barbara
Elevation: 1500 – 1580 masl
Processing: Honey
Varietal: Parainema
Tasting Notes: Lime, green apple, milk chocolate and vibrant
The Story Behind the Bean:
Parainema. Pronounced (para-nay-mah) is becoming more prolific throughout Honduras. Why? This interesting varietal is more resilient to the deadly Roya fungus which can wipe out and destroy production. Parainema has also become hot on the map in 2015, as the COE (Cup of Excellence) winner used this variety. For 2017, we requested a honey process and Nahun selected his Parainema varietal. This pairing of varietal and process produces a vibrant and citrus driven cup. Nahun de-pulps the coffee and lets the mucilage dry for 15 days on raised beds. Next year….we will see the natural version of this! This truly is a unique and special coffee!
About the Farmer:
March 2017. Here we are back in the heart and soul of Honduras. We traveled back to the Las Flores region to visit our dear friends the Fernandez family. It has been a full year, however, as soon as you’re back on the finca, it feels like you never really left. Huge smiles and wide-open arms welcome you back. It feels emotional and it’s a strong tangible connection you share with the family and their land. Nahun has been busy! Yet again quality has surpassed last year, with all lots, varietals, and processes shining in flavor. Clear distinction, big flavours, and a guarantee to put a smile on your face! We hope you enjoy!