Panama – Lamastus Elida Estate – Catuai Natural
“Upon grounding, the fragrance is reminiscent of strawberries, dried mangoes and grapes. Upon first sip, it perceive the flavors of strawberries, mangoes and candied pineapple. Followed by the emergence of deep, rich fruit aromas akin to purple grapes and blackberries. The flavour profile is complex and multilayered.”
The Lamastus Elida Estate needs no formal introduction, having earned renown as the previous Best of Panama winner for its exquisitely priced coffee. The family’s consecutive victories in the BOP attest to their dedication since they began cultivating coffee in 1918.
Situated at ultra-high elevations ranging from 1700 to 2060 meters above sea level, Elida Estate boasts 65 hectares of land, with 40 hectares dedicated to predominantly Catuai and Geisha coffee plants. The remaining area serves as a private forest reserve within the Volcan Baru National Park. At such heights, the Catuai variety matures more gradually, taking six and a half years to yield cherries—two to four years longer than average. Moreover, the environment further extends the cherry ripening process by a month, typically spanning six to seven months. These exceptional conditions yield a distinctly flavorful cup.
Enter the Catuai processing method: akin to traditional Natural coffee processing, but with a twist. Before being laid out on drying beds, the coffee undergoes a 120-hour fermentation process with water in large tanks. Subsequently, the coffee cherries are sun-dried on African beds in the open for nearly five weeks. Wilford Lamastus exhibits a mastery of Natural Coffee processing, with nearly 80% of Lamastus Estate coffee undergoing this method.
Catuai, a varietal developed in the mid-twentieth century, is a hybrid of Mondo Novo and Caturra. Mondo Novo, itself a result of crossing Typica and Bourbon varieties, contributes to Catuai’s genetic makeup, while Caturra arises from a mutation of Red Bourbon.
Variety : Catuai
Altiitude : 1800 masl
Process : Natural
Origin : Boquete